Evaluation procedure
The application submission period
In evaluating a project, we consider:
- the literary quality of the original work in Estonian
- the status of the publisher (catalogue, specialist field, marketing efforts, special interest in translation, editorial rigour, etc.)
- the translator’s fee, as stipulated in the contract
- the quality of the translator (previous projects supported from Traducta, other completed projects and experience in translating from the Estonian language in the particular literary form)
- the quality of the translation (the final translation for which support is requested must be faithful to the original text in terms of style, spirit and content)
Only previously unpublished translations will be supported.
Only direct translations will be supported, unless there is no qualified translator.
The Traducta committee has the right to order an expert assessment of the translation.
The decisions of the Traducta Committee must be approved by the Council of the Cultural Endowment of Estonia. The decisions will be announced to the applicants via email approximately two months after the end of the application deadline. The decisions will also be published on the website of the Cultural Endowment of Estonia.
The reasons underlying the decisions will not be disclosed to the applicants.
Successful applicants will receive an the agreement of the grant. The applicant must sign the agreement and return it to the Cultural Endowment.