Annual awards
The application submission period
Annual awards are handed out once a year for last year's achievements to inspire architectural life.
The Architecture Awards are the joint award ceremony of the Estonian Association of Architects, the Estonian Association of Interior Architects, the Estonian Landscape Architects’ Union, and the Estonian Cultural Endowment, held annually.
The event was established in 2015 to acknowledge outstanding achievements in our architecture and raise public awareness of the contemporary works of Estonian architects, interior architects and landscape architects in Estonia and abroad.
Candidates for the award can be nominated for achievements in architecture, interior architecture, urban planning, landscape architecture, design, restoration or reconstruction, architectural criticism, or other activities related to architecture or design.
The number and categories of annual awards are determined separately each year. All awards are of equal value. If the award is given to a collective of authors, it is divided among them.
The annual awards of the Architecture Endowment are here