The application submission period
Make sure you start the application early and also read the terms and conditions for applying!
The purpose of the Architecture Endowment is to support enhancement of architectural creativity and social sensitivity. Architecture, interior architecture, design, art research and theory, landscape architecture, protection of historical architecture and other areas are supported.
The Architecture Endowment awards grants and benefits and gives awards to physical and legal persons that are active in Estonia and represent Estonia.
The Architecture Endowment finances:
- high-level projects that contribute to the promotion of the sphere of architecture in Estonia,
- improvement of awareness about architecture, documenting and introducing architecture locally and internationally;
- promotion of architecture-related activities outside of the capital;
- documenting, recording and researching contemporary architecture or architectural heritage.
The Architecture Endowment awards project, activity, creative work, life`s work, medicinal products, funeral and jubilee benefits in accordance with its objectives and based on received applications.
The project benefit is intended to promote, introduce, popularise, publish architecture-related works, commemorate individuals involved in architecture, participate in the top events of the professional field etc. Applications submitted for the project benefit are reviewed four times a year. A condition of award of the Architecture Endowment project benefit is cost-sharing or co-financing at least 10% of the total amount of the project`s costs.
In addition to the project benefit, the Endowment awards the activity benefit to artistic associations of the area.
The Endowment supports creative persons of the area with the creator’s salary. The creator’s salary can be applied for by natural persons.
The Architecture Endowment supports meritorious creative persons involved in architecture with the regular life`s work benefit. The amount of the regular lifetime support is 1,200 euros per quarter. The Endowment also awards the jubilee benefit to individuals involved in architecture that celebrate their jubilee. Professional associations can submit applications for award of this benefit four times a year.
Professional associations may also submit applications for award of the medicinal products benefit and the funeral benefit to the Endowment.
The Architecture Endowment supports commitment to creative work (including writing works, research, translation, organisation and curatorship of exhibitions etc.) four times a year based on applications and at their own initiative with the creative grant.
To support studying, the Endowment has established the study grant which purpose is to support master`s and doctoral studies abroad with up to 3,500 euros in an academic year.
The Endowment makes awards to acknowledge creative people of the area and their achievements and inspire them, also to acknowledge the organisations involved in architecture.
The Endowment`s annual award up to 6,000 euros which purpose is to acknowledge spectacular achievements in Estonian architecture, encourage the development of architecture area and raise its prestige in society. Proposals for giving the annual award for objects that were completed last year can be submitted by 20 August.
The life`s work award 12,000 euros which purpose is to acknowledge long-term activity and contribution to the development of the area. Proposals for giving the life`s work award can be submitted by 20 November.
The acknowledgement award ranging 2,000 euros which purpose is to acknowledge commitment of creative people to their professional field that have influenced the development of the area and to inspire them in their further professional activity. Proposals can be submitted four times a year.
Kultuurileht SirpAjakiri MAJA
Creative alliances
Eesti Arhitektide Liit (EAL)Eesti Sisearhitektide Liit (ESL)
Tartu KultuurkapitalAvatud Eesti Fond
Tiigrihüppe Sihtasustus