The guide to preparing a report
The application submission period
Enter the contract details in the respective boxes – contract recipient, contract number, amount, contractual usage term and objective of using the support.
A short overview and assessment of carrying out the project based on the description in the application; references to the project in the press or other media channels, if available. If you add copies or annexes to the report (e.g., a publication, disc, etc.), then list these (name and quantity).
Annexes to the substantive part of the report include:
- copies of materials published in the press concerning the project;
- a publication;
- a sound recording or saved material in case of a film (CD, tape, digital copy, etc.);
- in case of commissioned work, confirmation of the contracting entity or the instrument of delivery and receipt concerning the completion or receipt of the work.
3.1 Income
List all income received for organizing the project (including support received from other sources, own income and self-financing), both planned and actual.
Example: The Cultural Endowment – x euros, Ministry of Culture – xx euros, own income (for example, income from ticket sales or sales of a magazine) – x euros, self-financing (your own cash used for the project) – xx euros, sponsor y – xxx euros, sponsor z – xx euros, etc.
3.2 Expenses
List all the types of expenses specified in the project budget (column “Type of expense”) and note the amounts according to the budget (column “Planned budget”) and actual expenses (column “Execution of the budget”).
Example 1: According to the application, support was required for “organizing an event”, the budget of which consists of the following types of expenses – transport expenses, performers’ fees, rent of premises, rent of equipment. The amount applied for was xxxx euros. Support was allocated also for the purpose of “organizing an event” in the amount of xxxx euros. When describing expenses in the report, give an overview of the budget expenses and actual expenses: transport expenses – x euros, performers’ fees – x euros, rent of premises – x euros, rent of equipment – x euros.
Example 2: According to the application, support was required for “organizing an event”, the budget of which consists of the following types of expenses – transport expenses, performers’ fees, rent of premises, rent of equipment. The amount applied for was xxxx euros. Support intended for a specific purpose was allocated also for the purpose of “organizing an event”, but only in the amount of xxxx euros. When describing expenses in the report, still give an overview of the planned budget expenses and actual expenses: transport expenses – x euros, performers’ fees – x euros, rent of premises – x euros, rent of equipment – x euros.
Example 3: According to the application, support was required for “organizing an event”, the budget of which consists of the following types of expenses – transport expenses, performers’ fees, rent of premises, rent of equipment. However, support was allocated with the purpose of “organizing an event – transport expenses”. When describing expenses in the report, give an overview of the transport budget and the actual expenses – x euros.
3.3. Unused surplus
The support amount allocated by the Cultural Endowment - total expenses specified in the report = unused surplus.
The unused surplus is to be refunded to the Cultural Endowment (annex the payment order to the report).
3.4 Annexes to the financial part of the report include:
- copies of source documents and documents proving payment (obligatory) in the extent of the support amount received from the Cultural Endowment according to the purpose specified in the contract, usage term and budget presented in the application.
- copies of source documents (invoices, prepayment invoices, order forms, cashier cheques, receipts, fee forms, etc.);
- copies of documents that prove payment (payment order, bank statement, cash slips in case of cash payments, etc.).
In case, upon payment of fees, it can be determined from documents that prove payment (from the explanation of a payment order or cash slip) who has been paid by transfer or cash for what, copies of source documents (concluded contracts) do not have to be annexed to the report. In this case, the list of fees along with documents that prove payment will suffice.
Example 1: If the budget for organizing an event was xxx euros and the amount allocated by the Cultural Endowment was also xxx euros, copies of the aforementioned financial documents shall be annexed to the report in the extent of xxx euros.
Example 2: If the budget for organizing an event was xxx euros, but the amount allocated by the Cultural Endowment was only x euros, copies of the aforementioned financial documents shall be annexed to the report also in the extent of only x euros.
Please compile copies of source and payment documents to be submitted as annexes to the report by types of expenses.
An example based on the aforementioned organization of an event – the respective transport expense documents, then performers’ fees documents, then rent of premises documents and finally the rent of equipment documents.
3.5 Additional explanations
An additional/explanatory information concerning the financial part of the report (if necessary).
- In case there is not enough room in the report form, use additional sheets for preparing both the substantive and financial part.