File a request for information
The application submission period
A request for information must include the following details:
* The requester’s first and last name;
* For a request made on behalf of an institution or legal entity, the name of the institution or legal entity;
* The requester’s contact details (postal or email address, phone number) through which the information holder can provide the requested information or contact the requester;
* The content or type of the requested information, document title, or known document details;
* The requested method of delivering the information.
Please note that not every inquiry is a request for information. A request for information seeks specific information that already exists within the institution.
A petition (Law on Responding to Petitions and Requests for Explanation, §2) is a person’s communication making proposals for the organization of the institution’s work or development of the field; or providing information to the recipient.
A request for explanation (Law on Responding to Petitions and Requests for Explanation, §2) is a person’s communication in which the person requests information that requires analysis, synthesis, or the collection of additional data; or requests legal clarification as defined in §3 of this law.
An objection (Administrative Procedure Act, §71) is a person’s communication claiming that an administrative act violates their rights or restricts their freedoms. Requirements for Submitting an Objection
Response Deadlines
* A request for information will be fulfilled without delay, but no later than within 5 working days.
* A petition or request for explanation will be answered without delay, but no later than within 30 calendar days from the date of registration.
* If you are requesting an opinion or advice, or drawing attention to shortcomings, it is not a request for information, and in such cases, the response time may be longer.