The purpose of the Audiovisual Art Endowment is to promote Estonian audiovisual culture by supporting the production of films, the organisation of film events and other activities that strengthen the position of audiovisual art in Estonian culture.

For that purpose, the following activities are supported:

  • ,
  • the organisation of public events and festivals related to audiovisual art
  • partial covering of expenses related to participation in events organised abroad
  • continuing education in audiovisual art
  • master`s studies abroad
  • showing arthouse film programmes at cinemas
  • the activity of artistic associations
  • the creation and publication of literature discussing audiovisual art
  • distinguished individuals in audiovisual art
The supervisory board of the Endowment can initiate projects that are important in terms of improving and promoting audiovisual art. The Audiovisual Art Endowment awards grants and benefits and gives awards. Applications are received four times a year.

The Audiovisual Art Endowment is guided by the Estonian film aid scheme (state aid SA.37526 (2013/N) – supporting Estonian audiovisual sector) when deciding on the award of benefits from the Estonia film aid scheme until 31 December 2018.  

The Audiovisual Art Endowment awards the project benefit for the purpose of development and production of films. Legal persons which the main field of activity is a production of films can apply for this project benefit. A condition of the award of the benefit is cost-sharing and/or co-financing at least 10% of the total amount of the project`s costs and the following limits approved by the Endowment shall be applied:

  • production of a full-length feature film up to 120,000 euros (includes all previous benefits)  
  • production of a full-length documentary film up to 25,000 euros (includes all previous benefits)
  • production of a half-hour documentary film (including development) up to 10,000 euros
  • production of a short feature film (including development) up to 20,000 euros
  • production of an animated film (including development) up to 2,400 euros/minute but not exceeding 120,000 euros as a total benefit
  • in case of minority co-production, the amount of the benefit is up to half of the maximum rate.

In addition to supporting film projects, the Endowment awards benefits for visiting and organisation of events and training related to the audiovisual sector, the organisation of photography exhibitions, publishing printed matters and showing arthouse film programmes.

The Endowment supports professional associations, non-profit associations and foundations of the area with the activity benefit.

The Endowment awards the creative work benefit for performing creative or research work, including the development and writing of scenarios, creating original texts, translation etc. It is possible to apply for the benefit of up to 1,500 euros for writing the initial version of a full-length feature film scenario. The other creative work benefits are up to 6,000 euros.

The Endowment supports meritorious filmmakers with the one-time life`s work benefit, which is up to 400 euros. The regular life`s work benefit is awarded by the supervisory board of the Endowment to especially meritorious filmmakers and it is 580 euros in a quarter.

The Endowment acknowledges and supports distinguished individuals of the area when they are celebrating their jubilees by awarding them the jubilee benefit in the amount of 340 euros. When choosing the beneficiaries of the jubilee benefit, the Endowment takes into account received proposals and initiatives.

The Endowment supports covering medicinal products` or treatment costs of spectacular individuals in the audiovisual art with up to 2,000 euros. Both physical and legal persons can apply for the medicinal products benefit.

The Endowment also awards the funeral benefit to help cover the costs incurred in relation to the funeral of a distinguished individual of the area and to help his or her family.

The Endowment supports creative persons of the area with the one-year creative grant and the one-time creative grant. The one-year creative grant is intended for self-improvement of professionals that are involved in audiovisual art, development of new ideas and a longer-term greater focus on creative work. The amount of the grant is 7,500 euros and applications must be submitted by 20 August. Applications for the one-time creative grant, which is up to 2,000 euros, can be submitted four times a year.

The Endowment awards study grants for obtaining a special education in a higher school abroad and it is up to 3,200 euros in a semester.

The Endowment acknowledges creative people once a year for exceptional achievements with the annual awards with up to 5,500 euros. When making an annual award, the proposals and initiatives received by the Endowment by 20 November are taken into account.

In addition to the annual awards, the Endowment acknowledges once a year long-term activity and contribution to the development of the area with the life`s work award, which is 10,000 euros.

The purpose of the acknowledgement award ranging from 300 to 2,000 euros is to recognise creative people of the area for their commitment to their professional field that has influenced the development of the area and to inspire them in their further professional activity. Proposals for making the acknowledgement award may be submitted four times a year.