Previous membership
The application submission period
Previous memberships
(Certified by the Government's 18th December 2015. a regulation nr 529)
Minister of Culture | foreman of the committee - Indrek Saar (since 9.04.2015) |
Members: | |
Are Eller |
representative of sports foundation (since 5.02.2015) |
Karlo Funk | representative of film foundation |
Monika Larini |
representative of drama foundation |
Aet Maatee | representative of folk culture foundation |
David O'Brock |
representative named by the Ministry of Culture |
Lemmi Oro |
representative named by the Ministry of Finance |
Peeter Pere | representative of architecture foundation |
Triin Soone | representative of literature foundation |
Tiia Teder | representative of music foundation |
Berit Teeäär |
representative of art foundation |
Minister of Culture | foreman of the committee - Indrek Saar (since 9.04.2015) |
Minister of Culture | foreman of the committee - Urve Tiidus (12.12.2013 - 9.04.2015) |
Kristiina Garancis | representative of drama foundation |
Raimo Jõerand | representative of film foundation |
Krista Kaer | representative of literature foundation |
Kalle Komissarov | representative of architecture foundation |
Enn Kunila | representative named by the Ministry of Culture |
Marju Kõivupuu | representative of folk culture foundation |
Allar Levandi | representative of sports foundation (until 4.02.2015) |
Are Eller | representative of sports foundation (since 5.02.2015) |
Anu Liivak | representative of art foundation |
Marje Lohuaru | representative of music foundation |
Lemmi Oro | representative named by the Ministry of Finance |
(Kinnitatud Vabariigi Valitsuse 8. detsembri 2011. a. korraldusega nr 528; avaldamismärge: RT III, 13.12.2011, 3)
Minister of Culture | foreman of the committee - Urve Tiidus (4.12.2013 - 12.12.2013) |
Minister of Culture |
foreman of the committee - Rein Lang (until 4.12.2013) |
Tea Varrak | representative named by the Ministry of Finance |
Kristiina Garancis | representative of drama foundation |
Reet Hääl (until 4.04.2013) |
representative of sports foundation |
Allar Levandi (since 4.04.2013; kinnitatud Vabariigi Valitsuse korraldusega nr 528, 4.04.2013; avaldamismärge: RT III, 09.04.2013, 10) |
representative of sports foundation |
Ants Johanson | representative of folk culture foundation |
Krista Kaer | representative of literature foundation |
Indrek Kasela | representative named by the Ministry of Culture |
Kalle Komissarov | representative of architecture foundation |
Anu Liivak | representative of art foundation |
Marje Lohuaru | representative of music foundation |
Riina Sildos | representative of film foundation |
(Kinnitatud Vabariigi Valitsuse 10. detsembri 2009. a korraldusega nr 543; avaldamismärge: RTL 2009, 93, 1375)
Minister of Culture |
foreman of the committee - Laine Jänes (until 5.04.2011) |
Minister of Culture |
foreman of the committee - Rein Lang (since 6.04.2011) |
Reet Hääl | representative of sports foundation |
Ants Johanson | representative of folk culture foundation |
Enn Kunila | representative named by the Ministry of Culture |
Epp Lankots | representative of architecture foundation |
Lylian Meister | representative of art foundation |
Kalju Orro (until 18.02.2010) |
representative of drama foundation |
Ülo Pikkov | representative of film foundation |
Aarne Saluveer | representative of music foundation |
Tea Varrak | representative named by the Ministry of Finance |
Märt Väljataga | representative of literature foundation |
Kaarel Oja (Kinnitatud Vabariigi Valitsuse 18. veebruari 2010. a. korraldusega nr 51; avaldamismärge: RTL 2010, 9, 166) |
representative of drama foundation |
(Kinnitatud Vabariigi Valitsuse 20. detsembri 2007. a korraldusega nr 583; avaldamismärge: RTL 2008, 1, 10)
Minister of Culture |
foreman of the committee - Laine Jänes |
Enn Kunila | representative named by the Ministry of Culture |
Märt Kivine | representative named by the Ministry of Finance |
Signe Siim | representative of literature foundation |
Kersti Tiik | representative of art foundation |
Liina Jänes | representative of architecture foundation |
Ilmar Raag | representative of film foundation |
Olav Ehala | representative of music foundation |
Kalju Komissarov | representative of drama foundation |
Toomas Lõhmuste | representative of folk culture foundation |
Oliver Kruuda | representative of sports foundation |
(Kinnitatud Vabariigi Valitsuse 8. detsembri 2005. a korraldusega nr 774; avaldamismärge: RTL 2005, 118, 1859)
(Kinnitatud Vabariigi Valitsuse 4. detsembri 2003. a. korraldusega nr 788; avaldamismärge: RTL 2003, 124, 2023)
Minister of Culture | foreman of the committee - Urmas Paet (until 12.04.2005) |
Minister of Culture |
foreman of the committee - Raivo Palmaru (since 13.04.2005) |
Jaan Urvet | representative named by the Ministry of Culture |
Tauno Tats | representative named by the Ministry of Finance |
Asta Trummel | representative of literature foundation |
Leonhard Lapin | representative of art foundation |
Andres Kurg | representative of architecture foundation |
Riina Sildos | representative of film foundation |
Jaan-Eik Tulve | representative of music foundation |
Andres Laasik | representative of drama foundation |
Aarne Saluveer | representative of folk culture foundation |
Enn Veskimägi (until 29.03.2005) |
representative of sports foundation |
Hanno Tomberg (Kinnitatud Vabariigi Valitsuse 29. märtsi 2005. a. korraldusega nr 164; avaldamismärge: RTL 2005, 37, 533) |
representative of sports foundation |
(Kinnitatud Vabariigi Valitsuse 5. detsembri 2001. a. korraldusega nr 803; avaldamismärge: RTL 2001, 130, 1909)
Minister of Culture | foreman of the committee - Signe Kivi (until 9.10.2002) |
Minister of Culture (Kinnitatud Vabariigi Valitsuse 9. oktoobri 2002. a korraldusega nr 666; avaldamismärge: RTL 2002, 117, 1701) |
foreman of the committee - Margus Allikmaa (until 22.06.2003) |
Minister of Culture (Kinnitatud Vabariigi Valitsuse 22. juuli 2003. a korraldusega nr 454; avaldamismärge: RTL 2003, 88, 1309) |
foreman of the committee - Urmas Paet (since 22.07.2003) |
Jaan Urvet (Kinnitatud Vabariigi Valitsuse 22. juuli 2003. a korraldusega nr 454; avaldamismärge: RTL 2003, 88, 1309) |
representative named by the Ministry of Culture |
Aare Järvan | representative named by the Ministry of Finance |
Kalev Kesküla | representative of literature foundation |
Andres Tali (until 9.10.2002) |
representative of art foundation |
Ketli Tiitsar (Kinnitatud Vabariigi Valitsuse 9. oktoobri 2002. a korraldusega nr 666; avaldamismärge: RTL 2002, 117, 1701) |
representative of art foundation |
Mart Kalm (until 26.03.2002) |
representative of architecture foundation |
Ülar Mark (Kinnitatud Vabariigi Valitsuse 26. märtsi 2002. a korraldusega nr 211; avaldamismärge: RTL 2002, 44, 617) |
representative of architecture foundation |
Peep Puks | representative of film foundation |
René Eespere | representative of music foundation |
Kristiina Garancis | representative of drama foundation |
Ivo Eesmaa | representative of folk culture foundation |
Vello Kuhi (until 4.03.2003) |
representative of sports foundation |
Enn Veskimägi (Kinnitatud Vabariigi Valitsuse 4. märtsi 2003. a korraldusega nr 186; avaldamismärge: RTL 2003, 33, 505) |
representative of sports foundation |
(Kinnitatud Vabariigi Valitsuse 7. detsembri 1999. a korraldusega nr 1334; avaldamismärge: RTL 1999, 166, 2431)
Minister of Culture | foreman of the committee - Signe Kivi |
Aare Järvan | representative named by the Ministry of Finance |
Kalev Kesküla | representative of literature foundation |
Tiina Käesel | representative of art foundation |
Mart Kalm | representative of architecture foundation |
Lauri Kärk | representative of film foundation |
Olav Ehala | representative of music foundation |
Indrek Saar | representative of drama foundation |
Ivo Eesmaa | representative of folk culture foundation |
Erika Salumäe | representative of sports foundation |
(Kinnitatud Vabariigi Valitsuse 26. novembri 1997. a korraldusega nr 886; avaldamismärge: RT I 1997, 85, 1451)
Minister of Culture | foreman of the committee - Jaak Allik (until 4.05.1999) |
Minister of Culture (Kinnitatud Vabariigi Valitsuse 4. mai 1999. a korraldusega nr 529; avaldamismärge: RTL 1999, 78, 979) |
foreman of the committee - Signe Kivi (since 4.05.1999) |
Tiit Saat | representative named by the Ministry of Finance |
Mall Jõgi | representative of literature foundation |
Ants Juske | representative of art foundation |
Hain Toss | representative of architecture foundation |
Arvo Valton | representative of film foundation |
Olav Ehala | representative of music foundation |
Ülev Aaloe | representative of drama foundation |
Kaido Kama | representative of folk culture foundation |
Valeri Maksimov (until 16.03.1999) |
representative of sports foundation |
Erika Salumäe (Kinnitatud Vabariigi Valitsuse 16. märtsi 1999. a korraldusega nr 355; avaldamismärge: RTL 1999, 51, 666) |
representative of sports foundation |
(Kinnitatud Vabariigi Valitsuse 4. novembri 1994. a korraldusega nr 875-k; avaldamismärge RT I 1994, 79, 1356)
Minister of Culture | foreman of the committee - Peeter Olesk (until 16.01.1996) |
Minister of Culture (Vabariigi Valitsuse 4. novembri 1994. a korralduse nr 875-k muutmine) |
foreman of the committee - Jaak Allik (since 16.01.1996) |
Tiit Saat | representative named by the Ministry of Finance |
Märt Väljataga | representative of literature foundation |
Enn Põldroos (until 16.01.1996) |
representative of art foundation |
Leonhard Lapin (since 16.01.1996; Vabariigi Valitsuse 4. novembri 1994. a korralduse nr 875-k muutmine) |
representative of art foundation |
Karin Hallas | representative of architecture foundation |
Jüri Tallinn | representative of film foundation |
Vardo Rumessen (until 16.01.1996) |
representative of music foundation |
Renè Eespere ( since 16.01.1996; Vabariigi Valitsuse 4. novembri 1994. a korralduse nr 875-k muutmine) |
representative of music foundation |
Tõnu Tepandi | representative of drama foundation |
Ingrid Rüütel | representative of folk culture foundation |
Mati Palm (since 5.03.1996; Vabariigi Valitsuse 4. novembri 1994. a korralduse nr 875-k täiendamine) |
representative of sports foundation |