Expert groups
The application submission period
The regional expert group is a structural unit of the Cultural Endowment in each county, tasked with distributing the funds allocated to the county's cultural sector by the Cultural Endowment Council based on submitted applications and their own initiative (Estonian Cultural Endowment Act).
The work of the regional expert groups is coordinated by a curator, who provides information on applying, allocation decisions, and reporting.
For the applicant's information
- The distribution procedures of the expert groups for Harjumaa, Hiiumaa, Ida-Virumaa, Jõgevamaa, Järvamaa, Lääne-Virumaa, Läänemaa, Põlvamaa, Pärnumaa, Raplamaa, Saaremaa, Tartumaa, Valgamaa, Viljandimaa, and Võrumaa can be found here.
- Information and contact details for regional expert groups can be found here. If you cannot reach the curator of the expert group by phone, please send an email. Curators work part-time.
- You can submit an application electronically via e-Kulka. For any questions, please contact the curator of the regional expert group or the Cultural Endowment office.
- The report must be submitted via e-Kulka.
- For urgent questions, contact the Cultural Endowment office by phone at 699 9150 or email
The Estonian Cultural Endowment structure includes 15 regional expert groups: