The objective of the Physical Fitness and Sports Endowment is to support organisation of nationally or internationally important sports events and different physical activity related events in Estonia, training and preparation of sportsmen, participation in international title competitions, acknowledging people that are devoted to sports and inspiring and developing regional sports life.
For that purpose, the following is supported:

  • annual projects submitted by sports organisations;
  • people involved in the area of physical activity and sports acknowledged by sports organisations;
  • organisation of national or international important sports events in Estonia;
  • organisation of sports and physical activity events that are intended to improve sports in regions;
  • publication of information, learning and guidance materials and books related to sports, sports medicine and physical activity;
  • training events related to sports, sports medicine and physical activity;
  • participation in international trainings of sports, sports medicine and physical activity;
  • studies abroad, post-graduate training;
  • conducting applied research in sports;
  • supporting the training and preparation of the new generation (primarily 19-23 year olds) in sports in Estonia and their participation in international title competitions;

The Physical Fitness and Sports Endowment pays project, life`s work, medicinal products and funeral benefits in accordance with its objectives and gives grants and awards.

The project benefit is intended to promote and popularise physical fitness and sports and the benefit is awarded four times a year.

The Endowment awards the activity benefit for annual projects of sports organisations. The content of an annual project includes activities related to training of sportsmen at international level, training and competition related travel and major national physical fitness events and major sports series during the year. The benefit can be applied for by sports federations or some other sports unions or institutions.

The Physical Fitness and Sports Endowment supports meritorious persons involved in sports with the one-time life`s work benefit, which is 400 euros a year.  The benefit can be applied for by sports federations or some other sports unions or institutions.

The regular life`s work benefit is awarded on the initiative of the Endowment to particularly meritorious people involved in sports. The benefit is 580 euros in a quarter.

Distinguished individuals involved in sports are acknowledged when they are celebrating their jubilee with the jubilee benefit, which is 400 euros.

If necessary, the Endowment supports covering funeral costs of an individual that has been important in sports and to help his or her family with 800 euros.

The Endowment has established several grants intended to improve physical activity.

·         The sports grant which objective is to enable devoting to the development of sports abilities. The grant is 1,000 euros and it can be applied for four times a year.

·         The sports grant “Young and talented” which objective is to acknowledge and support active young sportsmen to devote to consistent development of their abilities. The grant is 650 euros.

·         The special grant for physical activity “Let`s move“ which objective is to acknowledge and support people actively and successfully  involved in physical activity area and enable them to develop their skills and knowledge. The grant is 650 euros.

·         The special grant “Take part!” to volunteers which objective is to acknowledge volunteers active in sports and physical activity area and enable them to develop their skills and knowledge and obtain new experiences. The grant is 650 euros.

·         The trainer`s grant “Notice the next generation” which is intended for the trainers that instruct the grantees of the Estonian Olympic Committee`s next generation project “Notice the next generation”. The grant is 1,000 euros for one sportsman trained that is a grantee of the programme.

·         The study grant which purpose is to enable trainers acquire new knowledge and skills in sports and to promote their self-development. The grant is up to 1,000 euros and it can be applied for four times a year. 

Every year, the Endowment awards annual, life`s work and acknowledgement awards.

The annual award is given to the person that has most excelled during the previous year and its maximum amount is 5,500 euros. The purpose of the life`s work award is to acknowledge an individual for involvement in sports and it is 10,000 euros.

The acknowledgement awards include a one-time referee special award “Honest game”.

The purpose of the one-time acknowledgement award is to recognise people involved in sports and physical activity area for their commitment to their professional field that has influenced the development of the area and to inspire them for further professional activity. The award is given four times a year and it ranges from 300 to 3,000 euros.

The purpose of the referee special award “Honest game” is to acknowledge and support people that are referees and enable them to develop their skills and knowledge further. The award is 650 euros.